Selling horses is no small business. There are many details to consider, from choosing the horse to evaluating the specimen and beyond. Here are some tips that may be useful mainly for breeders who want to complete their first sale.
The choice of horse to sell
Considering the specimens in your herd, choosing a horse to sell can be a difficult challenge, especially if you have no experience. First of all, it is important to try to understand which of your horses has the characteristics desired by buyers. Most buyers look for strong specimens with excellent physical conformation. Other factors to consider are the age, temperament and health of the horse. In order to sell horses, it is also necessary to start training foals, so that you can always offer animals that meet customers’ needs.
Once you have decided which horse to sell, it will be important to find out in which contexts to sell it, e.g. at a horse auction or between private individuals.
How to set a fair price for the horse
When you want to sell horses, it is essential to strive every time with the intention of working out the most appropriate price. The price of a horse depends on a number of factors including:
- race,
- physical characteristics,
- age,
- certifications
In addition, the price of the horse can be influenced by variables such as the quality and quantity of work required to train it, the equipment to keep it in good condition and the cost of its nutrition. A horse’s physical characteristics can be assessed by examining its body conformation, balance and musculature. When examining the animal, it is important to pay particular attention to the following elements: head, neck, chest, legs, gait, teeth and coat.
When you want to sell horses and you have to act to decide on the price, it is also important to compare it with market prices. You have to set a price that is high enough to guarantee a good profit, but also low enough to attract customers.
Selling horses: methods for promoting the sale of a horse
Unless you decide to participate in auctions that attract many potential buyers, you will have to work to promote the sale of your horse. This can prove to be a complex process, which is why it is often a good idea to rely on experienced marketing and advertising professionals. In any case, it will be useful to create a list of potential buyers and to take advantage of various channels such as specialised websites (to post advertisements), local newspapers, social media and specialised magazines. Detailed information about the horse, photographs and/or videos should always be provided. Finally, it will be important to organise visit days to allow potential buyers to see the specimen and have a trial ride.
Treating the horse from an early age is the first step for those who want to sell horses
Caring for a horse from an early age is the best way to prepare it for sale. This means looking after it from birth, also thanks to tools such as our C6 Evo IoT, and then making sure it is well fed, well trained and well cared for. These are definitely the very first steps to consider when deciding to start selling horses.