Anyone involved in horse breeding knows the risks and implications of the ovulation and stud period. Stallions and broodmares need the right level of attention so that breeding can proceed smoothly. Breeders must prepare in time for ovulation of the mare, so as to favour the relationship and bring the pregnancy to a smooth end.
In this short guide, we’ll find out together what the best time to mate is and what tips to follow to arrive prepared for the birth. The help of our new device – C6EVO IoT – could help you keep everything under control, leaving nothing to chance.
What is the best period?
The horse is often referred to as a ‘seasonal polyestral animal‘. Its heat is highly dependent on the season and exposure to light. Depending on the breed, broodmares reach sexual maturity between 15 and 24 months of age, beginning to cycle as early as the end of winter. They generally come into heat between April and September, roughly every 20 days.
Normally, the mare ovulates on the fifth day of her cycle, which is ideal for mating. The perfect period for mating is precisely April to September. The birth of foals, on the other hand, takes place between October and May.
Advice on horse breeding
To be prepared for the breeding season, it is necessary to take care of the horse’s health well in advance. Both stallion and broodmare need some ‘help’, fundamental adjustments in their daily diet. Typically, horse breeders will modify the horse’s nutrition about 30/60 days before the breeding season to stimulate fertility.
The stallion needs to maintain his physical fitness through activity and regular exercise. It is necessary to add nutrients to his diet that will provide him with the right level of vitamins, amino acids and trace minerals. Essential fatty acids – such as Omega 3 – enable the horse to withstand exertion and respond better to stimuli.
The bitch, on the other hand, must maintain a body condition score of 5 (Tarleton State Texas University value scale). It is very important to increase the energy concentration of her meals for at least 30 days before mating.

Choose C6EVO IoT
Managing a real horse farm can take a lot more time and effort than expected. Maintaining control when managing more than one horse can be quite complex. External help, which is easy to take advantage of and easy to recover from, is what you need in these cases.
The foaling alarm C6EVO IoT device comes to the rescue of farmers. The role of the device is to “predict” foaling, alerting the farmer and the vet via message/notification. The new app allows you to stay up to date on the condition of your bitch, so you know when to intervene.
C6EVO IoT negates the risk of a missed rescue, allowing you to anticipate emergencies and resolve them in good time.